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Olusola Olarewaju is the president of Divine Network Inc.and CEO of DI-THREENITY AGRO. COMPANY. He has lectured in seminars on how to change your financial status. He started his company with a 4 figure capital and grew it to 7 figures asset base in 3years. He can teach you on how to find your purpose and how to fulfill it.He can help you how to unlock the inexhaustible realities inside you.He understands the Laws of Life.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


The Law of Saving
By: Brian Tracy

Financial freedom comes to the person who saves ten percent or more of his income throughout his lifetime.

One of the smartest things that you can ever do for yourself is to develop the habit of saving part of your salary, every single paycheck. Individuals, families and even societies are stable and prosperous to the degree to which they have high savings rates. Savings today are what guarantee the security and the possibilities of tomorrow.

Start With Yourself
The first corollary of the Law of Saving comes from the book The Richest Man in Babylon by George Classon. It is to "Pay yourself first."

Begin today to save ten percent of your earnings, off the top, and never touch it. This is your fund for long-term financial accumulation and you never use it for any other reason except to assure your financial future.

Develop New Habits Regarding Money
The remarkable thing is that when you pay yourself first, and force yourself to live on the other ninety percent, you will soon become accustomed to it. You are a creature of habit. When you regularly put away ten percent of your earnings, you soon become comfortable living on the other ninety percent. Many people start by saving ten percent of their income and then graduate to saving fifteen percent, twenty percent, and even more. And their financial lives change dramatically as a result. So will yours.

Take Every Advantage
The second corollary of the Law of Saving says, "Take advantage of tax deferred savings and investment plans." Because of high and even multiple tax rates, money that is saved or invested without being taxed accumulates at a rate of 30% to 40% faster than money that is subject to taxation. Self-made millionaires, according to Dr Thomas Stanley's book The Millionaire Next Door, are almost obsessive about accumulating their funds in assets such as real estate, self owned businesses and equities that increase in value without triggering tax liabilities.

Invest in company pension and retirement plans, 401(k) plans, IRA's, Keough Plans, Roth IRA's, Education Investment Accounts, stock option programs and whatever else has been approved by the IRS for long term financial accumulation. Make every dollar count!

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do to apply this law immediately:

First, begin today to put away ten percent of your earnings. Set up a special account for this purpose and treat your contributions to this account with the same respect that you do your rent or mortgage payments each month.

Second, become a lifelong student of money. Read the best books, take courses and subscribe to the most helpful magazines. Know what you are doing so you can always make intelligent decisions when you invest your funds.

How Can You Attract More Wealth and Abundance?
We are now surrounded by more wealth than at any time in our history. The real question is how do YOU gain this abundance? Brian Tracy can show you how! Become a money magnet, immediately increase your income and learn wealth building secrets. Get the knowledge you need to make your financial future an outstanding one with The Unbreakable Laws of Money Package. Click here to get yours today! [Link with: http://briantracy.directtrack.com/z/944/CD1518/ ]

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Developing Self-Discipline for Starting Your Own Business
By Brian Tracy

Special Disciplines

To start and build your own successful business you need special disciplines; disciplines that are practiced by all successful entrepreneurs and self-made business millionaires. You can either learn and practice these disciplines early in your entrepreneurial career or you can learn and practice them later. Sooner or later you must become knowledgeable and skilled in each of these seven areas if you are going to build a successful enterprise. And the longer it takes you to master these seven areas, the longer it will take and the more it will cost, before you eventually achieve your financial and business goals.

The first discipline is the discipline of market analysis. This is where most entrepreneurs fail. They start off with a great idea, and often don't want to tell anybody about it; for fear that someone will steal their idea. So they go off half-cocked into the marketplace with a product or service that has not been thought through properly and they are amazed when it fails.

The fact is that people are far too busy to steal your idea. 99 out of 100 new business ideas fail anyway. People who are operating their own businesses are far, far too busy to have even a minute of time to "steal" your idea, whatever it is.

Ask People's Opinion

In fact, if you have an idea for a product or service in a particular industry, you should go to someone who is already in that industry and ask for their opinion. If you are really smart, you will get in touch with as many people in that industry as possible and lay out your idea to them in full and ask for their candid comments.

What you are looking for is "negative thinking." A negative thinker is someone who will point out the holes and flaws in your plan. If you cannot patch the holes or fix the flaws in your plan for a new business, that is probably a pretty good indicator that your business is not going to succeed.

Monday, August 31, 2009


Think Like a Millionaire
By: Brian Tracy

Attitude is Everything
The most important attitude for financial success is long-term thinking. Successful people think a long way into the future and they adjust their daily behaviors to assure they achieve their long-term goals. In a longitudinal study done at Harvard University in the 50s and 60s, they studied the reasons for upward socio-economic mobility. They were looking for factors that would predict whether or not an individual or family was going to move upward and be wealthier in the future than in the present.

They studied factors like education, intelligence, being born into the right family, or having the right connections. In every case, they found individuals who had been born with every blessing in life who did poorly. They also found individuals who had been born or come to this country with no advantages at all who had been extremely successful. What was the distinguishing factor?

They finally determined that there was only one key attitude that mattered. They called it "Time Perspective." Time perspective refers to the amount of time that you take into consideration when planning your day to day activities and when making important decisions in your life.

Time Perspective
People with long-time perspective invariably move up economically in the course of their lifetimes. When you spend weeks, months and years developing your skills and ability and expanding your experience in order to be successful, you have long-time perspective. The average professional person has a time perspective of 10, 15 and 20 years.

Begin to see that everything that you are doing today is part of a long-time continuum, at the end of which you are going to be financially independent or financially unfortunate. People with short-time perspective think only about fun and pleasure in the short term. They have what economists call "The inability to delay gratification." They have an irresistible tendency to spend every single penny they earn and everything that they can borrow.

When you develop long-time perspective, you develop the discipline to delay gratification and to save your money rather than spending it. The combination of long-time perspective and delayed gratification puts you onto the high road to financial independence.

Action Exercises
Now, here are two things you can do to develop the attitudes of financially successful people:

First, think long-term about your financial life. Decide exactly how much you want to be worth five years, ten years and twenty years from today. Write it down. Make a plan. Take action on your plan every single day.

Second, develop the ability to delay gratification. Instead of buying something on impulse, put off buying decisions for a day, a week or even a month. Decide in advance to "think it over" before you buy anything. This can change the way you spend money almost immediately.


Continuous Learning
By Brian Tracy

Throughout the developed world, we have moved from an era of manpower to an era of mind power. We have moved from the use of physical muscles to the use of mental muscles. Today the chief sources of value in our society are knowledge and the ability to apply that knowledge in a timely fashion. In the information age, knowledge is king, and those people who develop the ability to continuously acquire new and better forms of knowledge that they can apply to their work and to their lives will be the movers and shakers in our society for the indefinite future.

When you learn and practice the techniques for rapid learning, when you join the learning revolution, you will learn how to unlock the incredible powers of your mind. You will learn how to become smarterfaster than ever before. You will learn how to become a master of your fate rather than a victim of circumstances. You will learn how to take complete control of your present and future destiny so that you can accomplish and achieve anything you want in life.

The answer to almost every question and the solution to almost every problem in the world of work is to learn and practice something new and different. When you learn how to use the incredible power of your brain to absorb and apply new ideas and information, you will be able to lead the field and rise to the top of any profession or occupation.

Here's another question for you: What is your most valuable asset? In terms of cash flow, what is the most valuable thing you have? Well, unless you are very rich, or have a family trust account, your most valuable asset is your "earning ability." It is your ability to earn money. It is your ability to apply your knowledge and skill in a timely fashion to get results for which others will pay.

Specific knowledge and specific skills will become obsolete with the passing of time, but learning how to learn is a permanent skill that you can use all the days of your life. The people who join the learning revolution, and who learn how to learn faster, like those people who first learned how to operate computers, or learned how to become excellent in their fields, will be able to earn more in one or two years of work than the average person earns in perhaps five or ten years.

By joining the learning revolution, you will enhance every area of your life. You will be able to help your spouse and your children unlock and realize more of their individual potentials. You will be a better friend in helping your friends use more of their abilities. And you will be a better manager, developing the skills that will enable you to get far more out of yourself and other people than ever before.

Friday, August 21, 2009


There is one special quality that you can develop that will guarantee you greater success, accomplishment and happiness in life. Of a thousand principles for success developed over the ages, this one quality or practice will do more to assure that you accomplish wonderful things with your life than anything else. This quality is so important that, if you don’t develop it to a high degree, it is impossible for you to ever achieve what you are truly capable of achieving.

The quality that I am talking about is the quality of self-discipline. It is a habit, a practice, a philosophy and a way of living. All successful men and women are highly disciplined in the important work that they do. All unsuccessful men and women are undisciplined and unable to control their behaviors and their appetites. And when you develop the same levels of high, personal discipline possessed by the most successful people in our society, you will very soon begin to achieve the same results that they do.

All great success in life is preceded by long, sustained periods of focused effort on a single goal, the most important goal, with the determination to stay with it until it is complete. Throughout history, we find that every man or woman who achieved anything lasting and worthwhile, had engaged in long, often unappreciated hours, weeks, months and even years of concentrated, disciplined work, in a particular direction.

Fortunately the quality of self-discipline is something that you can learn by continuous practice, over and over, until you master it. Once you have mastered the ability to delay gratification, the ability to discipline yourself to keep your attention focused on the most important task in front of you, there is virtually no goal that you cannot accomplish and no task that you cannot complete.

Successful people engage in activities that are goal-achieving. Unsuccessful people engage in activities that are tension-reliving. Successful people discipline themselves to have dinner before dessert. Unsuccessful people prefer to have dessert most of the time.

Successful people plan their work, and work their plan. They take the time to think through their responsibilities before they begin. They make clear decisions which they then implement immediately. They get a lot more done in a shorter period of time than the average person. And it all has to do with their disciplines.

Perhaps the most important benefit of self-discipline is the personal benefit that you receive. Every act of self-discipline increases your self-esteem. It gives you a feeling of personal power and accomplishment. Each time you discipline yourself to persist in the face of distractions, diversions, and disappointments, you feel better about yourself. As you continue to discipline yourself, you achieve more and more in life. As you achieve more things, you feel more like a winner. Your self-confidence goes up. You feel happier about yourself. You get more done and you have more energy. You earn the respect and esteem of the people around you. You get more rapid promotions and are paid more money. You live in a nicer house, drive a nicer car, and wear nicer clothes. You get a natural high from the thrill of achievement. And the more things that you achieve as the result of employing your personal habits of effectiveness and productivity, the more eager you are to achieve even higher and better tasks. Your life gets onto an upward spiral of success and happiness. You feel great about yourself most of the time.

Every act of self-discipline strengthens every other discipline in your life. Every weakness of self-discipline weakens your other disciplines as well. When you make a habit of disciplining yourself in little things, like flossing your teeth every night, you’ll soon become able to discipline yourself to accomplish even larger things, like working long, long hours to bring a major task to completion.

Your entire life is an on-going battle between the forces of doing what is right and necessary on the one hand and doing what is fun and easy on the other hand. It is a battle between the forces of discipline and the forces of ease or expediency. And when you develop the strength of character that gives you complete self-mastery, self-control and self-discipline, you feel wonderful about yourself. You develop a deep inner sense of strength and confidence. You replace positive thinking with positive knowing. You reach the point inside where you absolutely know that you can do whatever it takes to achieve any goal that you can set for yourself.

Self-discipline is its own reward. Not only does it pay off in terms of greater self-esteem and a more positive mental attitude, but it pays off throughout your life in terms of the goals that you achieve and the success that you attain in everything you do.

Self-discipline is a skill and a habit that can be learned by practice. Every time you practice a little self-discipline, you become stronger and stronger. Bit by bit, you become more capable of even greater disciplines. As you become a totally self-disciplined individual, your entire future opens up in front of you like a broad highway. Everything becomes possible for you and your future becomes unlimited.

Monday, April 6, 2009




Boldness is the ability to face anybody or any situation fearlessly. In Christianity, boldness does not recognize outside picture, it is dependent on the inside conviction of an individual. Boldness in the life of a Christian is as a result of the infilling of the Holy Spirit. The question is – have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed.

The infilling of the Holy Spirit is not a one time experience but a continuous process. The first infilling came when you received the Holy Spirit which is an experience you get after you got born again. But after the first infilling, it is your responsibility to continually get filled with the Holy Spirit. The bible says in Ephesians 5:18 –

“And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit.”

God has put the responsibility on you to be filled with the Spirit. You might be timid as a Christian and you are afraid to preach the gospel, what you need is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. It affects your boldness in any situation. Your situation might look so big; it looks as if you would crumble anytime and you are afraid – what you need is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. This brings boldness to face any circumstance. Always know this – as a Christian your being bold is not based on what you are facing outside, it is based on what is on the inside of you.
What has boldness got to do with the Holy Spirit? Let us first observe the Old Testament. According to the life of David, Prophet Samuel anointed David to be king and the Spirit of the Lord came upon him (1Samuel 16:13). When the Spirit of God came on him, he became bold to face anything. The bible says in 1Samuel 17:36 that David killed a lion and a bear. This is not an ordinary feat. David is just a boy, a teenager (17 years) not even fit to go to war (1Samuel 17:33). One time when the Israelites were at war with the Philistines; the Israelite soldiers were afraid of Goliath. The soldiers of Israel were already defeated because of fear. Nobody was bold enough to come out. David and the soldiers were facing the same situation but each responded differently. The soldiers were afraid but David was bold. What is the difference? The Spirit of the Lord. David refused to recognize the opposition. Boldness refuses to recognize the opposition. The bible says Goliath was offended when he saw David. When Goliath took the first step, David ran towards him (1Samuel 17:48-51). Boldness always runs towards its opposition and obstacles. And be assured, boldness always results into victory.

The New Testament is even much better, because in the Old Testament the Holy Spirit could only come upon David. In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit not only comes on us, we can also be filled with him. We get to a state in which we are drunk with Him. That is what Ephesians 5:18 means. Paul was not talking about the quantity; being filled with the Holy Spirit is all about the controlling power. In other words, you are no longer controlled by your senses but by the Spirit. You look at something and you see differently. No fear!

Considering the life of Peter – He denied the Lord 3 times because he was afraid. Mark14:66 – 72. This happened after Peter had sworn that if he had to die, he would not deny the Lord.Mark14:30 – 31. Peter had walked with the Lord Jesus for three years. He had seen so many mighty works but he was still not bold enough when opposition came. But this same Peter after receiving the Holy Spirit and was filled with Him (Acts 2:1-4), he became bold.

Brethren, the infilling of the Holy Spirit will infuse conviction and boldness into your spirit. In Acts2:4, they were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in other tongues. This same Peter who was once afraid to stand by his convictions; after being filled with the Holy Spirit faced the crowd and preached the gospel to them. Three thousand people gave their heart to Jesus that same day. Acts2:41
If you will receive the Holy Spirit and continually be filled with Him, you will be bold to act the Word of God and also to face any situation. Acts 3 and 4 shows us that Peter and John healed a man lame from birth and they were arrested and threatened not to preach in the Name of Jesus. They became afraid because of the threat. The disciples then prayed, according to Acts4:29, that the Lord will grant them boldness to preach the gospel in the midst of threat and opposition. And in Acts4:31, they were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word of God with boldness; irrespective of the consequence.

The infilling of the Spirit is what made Paul to preach the gospel with boldness in the midst of threat and danger. And he was highly successful.
All you need to do is get filled with the Holy Spirit and you will be bold to accomplish anything in life. You will no longer consider oppositions, you will only see through the eyes of the Spirit. All you will see is the impossible becoming possible. No matter what you are facing now, get yourself filled with the Holy Spirit and you will see the results of boldness. Boldness will ensure your victory in Christ Jesus. We are not struggling to be victorious; we already have victory in Christ Jesus. So enforce your victory in Christ Jesus.

In the next article, I will teach you biblical principles on how to get filled with the Holy Spirit continually.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Financial Laws 2- Know the Principles to Your Financial Freedom (continuation)

Financial Laws (2)

In the previous article, I taught you on inner laws and outer laws. I will continue on the inner laws of wealth.
Do you know nothing happens by chance or by mistake? Luck is not in the dictionary of financial success. Luck is not real, therefore it does not last. Can I ask you a question: is it by luck you grew to the height and size that you are now? You definitely know it is not by luck. You grew in height and size by feeding and drinking.
It takes the operation of definite laws to become financially wealthy. Do you know a thermostat? A thermostat regulates the temperature of an environment. If the temperature of an environment, may be a room is 20 degrees and you set your thermostat at 30 degrees; it will regulate the temperature of that room to become 30 degrees. If the temperature of that room is higher, it will reduce it to 30 degrees. The thermostat conditions the environmental temperature to what it reads.
The thermostat is like your inner conditioning. Your financial conditioning regulates your financial results. Until your mind is subject to operate by the laws of finances your income will still be struggling.
Man has been designed to create twice. You create in your inner world before you create in your outer world. What influences the materials you use to create your financial inner world is the conditioning of your mind. Your financial thermostat affects your mind and ultimately regulates your outer world.
If your level of income or wealth is not founded on the inner design of your financial blueprint, it will not be permanent. If your level of wealth is created inside first, even if you lose the money, you will create it again. Because you have the original design, the original blueprint.
To build a house, there must first be an architectural design and plan. You can’t just start building a house when you have the materials alone. Enough materials and financial capacity is not going to give you a lasting building structure. There must first be a design. The design then gives you a guide on how to use the materials and money to produce a befitting house. The house will be strong and perfectly built. The architectural design and plan is your mind. No matter the capital given to you, if there is no proper conditioning of the mind to handle that amount of money, you will lose it.
You are not a millionaire because you earn millions. You earn millions because you are a millionaire. Being a millionaire is a state of mind, it’s your thought pattern, and it’s the way you think. A lot of people are trying to earn lots of money without changing their mindset.

The bible says in Romans 12:2-
“Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, then you may proof the good, acceptable and perfect will of God.”

I heard Bob Proctor says only 1% of the world’s population earns 96% of the income in the world today. The remaining 99% then earns the 4% left. According to the Romans 12:2, if you do not get transformed by renewing your mind, you will be conformed to the standards of the world financially. Most of the world’s population are conformist. They like to be like the majority and be among the masses. Do not be like the majority; you will get the same results as they do. You will have to change your mindset and inner conditioning, so that you will see the transformation in your finances.

Man is a spirit, he has a soul (which contains the mind, intellect and emotions) and he lives in a body. I always tell people that the manifestation of divine health is from the spirit into the body. It manifests through the body from the spirit of a man. But the manifestation of abundance of wealth is from the spirit of a man through the mind. Therefore conditioning your mind rightly will manifest into abundance of wealth.
In the next article I will be teaching you about the law of awareness and how your mind is vitally involved in the operation of that law.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

YOUR DIVINE CALLING (1) - Finding your purpose in Life

I am most thrilled to know that there is a specific path for each one of us to walk in,as long as we are on this earth. There is a specific path given to every single person on the face of the earth. This divine path or assignment is your divine calling.
The divine call is a specific plan drawn up by GOD ALMIGHTY for each specific individual to execute. Every plan has a purpose therefore every individual also has a purpose. GOD has sent every person to do something vital in this world. Each individual is unique with a unique calling, therefore there is no competition.
You have a definite purpose to fulfill on earth. Why live like everyone else, when your purpose and calling is different and unique. There is no one else that can fulfill that divine calling exactly the way you would. You were dressed by God Almighty for the job. That is why God gave you the assignment, you are the best for that task.
Why live an empty life, when your creator designed you for something special. You have been called to have a great life. There is a divine assignment for you. You are not here by mistake. Even if your parents did not plan for your coming and gave birth to you. I have got news for you; it might be their mistake but it is not God’s mistake. God never makes mistake, you were preplanned by God. Maybe you are born into a country or family you do not like and you are not happy. Stop focusing on where you are or what has happened, it would not change. Start focusing on the discovery of the plan of God for your life and spend your life fulfilling that great plan.
For a lot of people, they just decide and choose what they want in life and also what they want to become without consulting their divine creator. Listen, your coming to the earth was orchestrated by God. God knew you before you came to the earth. You are on special assignment. God gives the calling. You do not choose your calling, God makes that choice for you. He is the assigner, you are the assignee. And you begin to function in your assignment, when you ask Him.
Do not become what you want or what your parent desires for you or someone else. Commune with Him and find out from Him.

In Ephesians 4:11, the bible says:
“And He GAVE some apostles; and some prophets; and some evangelists; and some pastors and teachers”.

In 1Corinthians 12:27 – 28, the bible says:
“Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. And GOD HAS SET some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healing, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.”

So, God has a special plan for your life, rejoice and be glad for your divine calling. Do not be like every other person, just be you. You can learn from people, pick up good stuff from them but do not be a photocopy be an original. Inside you is deposited your unique divine calling, so spend your life walking with Jesus in fulfilling your divine calling.
My divine calling is to help you fulfill your divine calling. My purpose is to help you discover it and teach you on how to fulfill it. The purpose of these series of articles is to help you start from where you are, help you to understand how to know your divine calling, where you are positioned in your present state, how to fulfill your divine calling and unveiling to you by the Spirit the essence and rewards of fulfilling your divine mandate.

In the next article, we will receive more overview on your divine calling and how it all starts.

Monday, March 9, 2009


One of the laws of life is financial laws.
I will start by teaching you some financial laws. It will continue in series. The operation of these laws will pilot you remarkably into your desired dreams. There are several financial laws but i will teach you step by step. Get ready to go through the journey with me.


Everything in nature is governed by laws. Nothing exists, except it is set in by laws and also sustained by laws.

The earth revolves round the sun, based on laws. We walk on earth by the law of gravity. Things grow by laws. We live in an ocean of laws and principles.

Laws respects no one. If you put it to work, it will produce the results for you. Laws can work for you or against you based on your understanding and utilisation of that law. So also, wealth creation is based on laws. There are foundational laws and laws for building blocks.

From my observation, I have discovered that there are inner and outer laws of wealth creation. The inner laws can also be called the foundational laws. And the outer laws must be built on the inner laws for it to produce lasting result.

You can not operate one without the other; both laws must be in operation for you to be substantially successful financially. The inner laws which are the foundational laws must be exercised first, so as to sustain the outer laws which you must operate too.

Always remember that there is no building without the foundation. The stronger the foundation, the stronger and the safer the building. The building lasts for a longer period because of the foundation. This is also true of the financial laws. Work a lot on the inner laws and build it strong.

Based on my years of study, research and proven results, I have encapsulated these laws into sentences/quotes. I am still learning because there is no genuine wealthy man that stops learning. One of the rules of wealth creation and multiplication is continous effective learning.

According to me, the 1st financial law is an inner law and it is the foundation of all laws.

LAW 1 –

Your outside status will always measure up with your inner state.

Have you heard of or read this from the bible that “as a man thinketh in his heart so is he”.

The 1st financial law is almost the exact paraphrase of this verse. You are the exact product of your inner state. Notice, I did not say your inner state will always measure up with your outside status. The reason is because one precedes the other. Inner state precedes outside status. The inner state produces what the outside condition should look like. Your inner state creates your world. Look at your results now, that’s the exact representation of your inner state.

Lets do a simple exercise. How much do you spend monthly (both money and time) to upgrade your inner state and elevate your awareness? Write the answer down. The answer reflects in your results. You might say I don’t have much money to purchase these materials. It’s not how much you have, it’s how passionate you are.

Let me give you an example of most people’s inner state. Most people work to make money. Working to make money is as a result of your conditioning. Most have been told since their childhood to grow up and work to earn money. But I have got news for you.

The worst way of making money is by working. Working is supposed to be a way of expressing your love for what you do. Working is for satiisfaction and fulfilling your purpose not to make money. Money could be a by product of the work but that’s not the main purpose. Money is made by applying specific laws and solving problems.

If I give you $1 million today and the first thing that comes to your mind is to resign from your job, then you are in the wrong place. Start planning your way out of the place now. The above example is a reflection of most people’s inner state.